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8 Insights On How To Merchandise Your Store

Retailers practice merchandising in India by employing dynamic and innovative techniques, promoting products and driving sales. All visual merchandising strategies focus on enhancing the appearance of retail displays to grab the customers’ attention. Wherein the ultimate goal of the product display strategy is conversion. 

For example, at clothing stores, merchandise is displayed in a manner that first grabs eyes, leading interested buyers to pick it up, try it on, and ultimately make a purchase. 

Almost all retail brands use visual merchandising to generate sales. The key to efficiently displaying retail merchandise is to arrange and organise it strategically. Mentioned below are a few insights that will help you merchandise your store like an expert:

Refresh your retail displays regularly

How often do you need to modify the product display at your retail store? 

It depends on products, seasons, and circumstances. For instance, during the holiday season, retail merchandisers switch to having a lively display of products to capitalise on the gift-giving frenzy. 

On the other hand, grocery stores usually have essential products such as milk, eggs, bread, etc., farther in the store. The front racks sport all the new products so that customers get a chance to see these products as they move towards the essentials. 

As a result, it is advisable to keep changing displays regularly to refresh your store environment. An efficient way to modify the display positions is to keep track of product performance and change the shows accordingly. 

Product grouping 

In a retail store, products can be arranged in groups. You can steer this practice by categorising it as per the colour, brand, size, functionality, etc. Merchandisers can also group products as per the price. 

However, the best way to set up your retail display is by the appearance of the products. You can group products in a colour-coordinated format. A monochromatic store merchandising does not attract attention. 

Successful brands merchandise their products at retail stores based on the functionality of the product. For example, Nestle’s milk powder can be part of the brewing/tea section, while Nestle Maggi can be placed on the snack shelf. 

Focus on the front of your store 

The most attractive and newest arrivals at your store must be placed at the front racks. As soon as customers enter the store, they must be greeted by the best of what your retail store has!

Visual Merchandising plays a vital role in the customer’s buying decisions. First, the shopper visits the store with an intention in mind. Then, ensure that as the shopper moves towards the product they’re looking for, another product grabs their attention, and the shopper considers adding to their essentials.

Use props

You can enhance the appearance of your retail store window by adding a prop. Even the shelves and racks at your store can have a prop that intrigues the audience. This prop could be unrelated to the product at the display. 

For instance, you can place a stuffed toy sitting with a bunch of candies or a skateboard at the display of a clothing store. Such extra elements make the audience curious and add to the value of “visual” merchandising. 

Add signage at the store

Signboards at the stores add stellar value to retail merchandising by enhancing the shoppers’ experiences. Signs at the store direct and inform the customers and add to the store’s visual appeal. For example, a giant red sign that says “SALE”- pulls more and more customers towards it. 

While installing signs in the store as a part of retail merchandising, it is best to ensure that the characters aren’t too small or unreadable, placed in the wrong position, do not obstruct the shoppers’ way, and are simple yet helpful.  

Rotate the displays, not fixtures

As new inventory comes into the store, you will need to change the position of the displays. However, the fixtures at your store will remain in the same place. 

The products in the front rack will eventually move down the middle. On the other hand, the ones in the middle will be shifted to the back of the store. 

Appeal to the senses

To increase the impact of brands and products on the customer, brands need to cater to the five senses- smell, taste, sight, touch, and hearing. For example, you might have come across stores with fragrance diffusers inside the store; these cater to the sense of smell. 

Apart from that, announcements at the store that help shoppers cater to hearing. For instance, important discount announcements, new product arrival, etc., can be announced to create awareness among the shoppers.

Add motion to your displays

Static merchandising creates a visual appeal through colours and patterns arranged strategically. However, adding a tad bit of motion to your retail display could help merchandisers scale up their merchandising game. A rotating shelf at a grocery store is an example of motion.


These are some stellar ways to create a retail merchandising foundation. But, it is just the tip of the iceberg. For example, you can use your creativity, study consumer behaviour, and analyse product sales to curate a visual merchandising strategy, enhancing customer experiences at your store.

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